Sunday, June 6, 2010

Photos from week 3

1. The team with the 'Bergermeister'. The bergermeister is the mayor of Heidenheim, which has a population roughly 60,000. The town hall, where he resides, is the only town hall to have a piercing through the building for artistic decoration.

2. The jam session at Wolfgang and Rensky Sanwald. The President Herr Stephan Maurer and Dean captured during an Eric Clapton duet. Also pictured is his wife Eva.

3. We visited Voith Paper, Hydro and Turbo. Rudolf and Thomas are pictured here with Katy as she expertly navigated a tug boat simulation.

4. Dean (in lederhosen), Katy,Peter Hail and Iris on a free day trip to Munich. Dean kept the lederhosen on all day and had several pictures taken by American tourists and wolf whistles from the local trade workers.

5. Ziegler vocational day. Jorg Hitzler guided us through the fire truck production factory in Giengen.